SAVe Organization Overview

SAVe Global Conference Information

SAVe Certification

This document will give you an overview of the SAVe Certification Workshop experience:

SAVe Second Life, AV Gear Recycling

Certified recycling resources:

SAVe Ambassadors

Are you outside the U.S? You can bring SAVe’s sustainability practices to your country’s AV industry by becoming a SAVe Ambassador. The following AV professionals will be happy to discuss their experience:

SAVe International Ambassadors:

SAVe Committees

Volunteering opportunities begin with committee participation. You can participate on SAVe committees to see if participating in their activities is something that you’re interested in. You’ll find monthly committee meetings listed on our event calendar.

Download SAVe and SAVe Certified logos

Use the SAVe logo to help spread the word about our work and the importance of sustainability in AV. And if you’re organization has been certified by SAVe, use the SAVe Certified logo to let the world know.

Download SAVe and SAVe Certified logos

To contact SAVe, please visit our Contact page.