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This is a big deal – both for SAVe and anyone who’s interested in the broader sustainability movement.

In December of 2024, we undertook an effort to chronicle SAVe’s principal achievements for 2024.

SAVe 2024 Progress Report CoverTo this end, we conducted extensive interviews with more than a dozen members of the SAVe leadership team as well as partners and other AV industry stakeholders. Next, we wrote and designed the report, then raced it to the printers in time for us to bring hard copies to ISE 2025, held in Barcelona at the beginning of February.

As an all-volunteer organization, simply creating a publication on such a compressed timetable is worth nothing. But the real achievement isn’t the report itself, but all the events it covers. And there were many – from the many achievements we had at ISE 2024 to our first Global Conference held in March of last year, to our participation in InfoComm, holding our first SAVe Certification for a major manufacturer (Crestron), growing our Ambassador program, publishing the industry’s first-ever guide to sustainable AV design and installation, enlarging our number of volunteers, and the list goes on.

The purpose of creating and publicizing the 2024 Progress Report is not to give ourselves a pat on the back. It’s to let the world know that we are serious about our mission to bring the Sustainable Development Goals to pro AV, and to communicate – in no uncertain terms – that we have built an organization with the means to make good on our commitments.

Prospective volunteers, sponsors, donors, partners and others need to know that we are a serious, growing, purpose-driven organization because we are asking them to join our movement for change. The report helps to answer questions like: Why should we partner with you? Are you just greenwashing? Do you have what it takes to make a difference?

If you’re not familiar with the work we do, please download the report. It will answer all those questions and more.